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Harvard CS50: Introduction to Computer Science
Role / Services
David Nwachukwu
Location & year
The United Kingdom ©
I am proud to have successfully completed the Harvard CS50 Introduction to Programming course, one of the most rigorous and well-regarded computer science courses in the world. This course provided me with a solid foundation in the fundamental concepts of computer science, as well as practical skills in programming using languages such as C, Python, and SQL.
Over the duration of the course, I developed a strong understanding of the importance of algorithms and data structures, as well as key concepts such as abstraction, encapsulation, and modularity. The course also provided me with a solid foundation in web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Throughout the course, I developed a number of impressive projects which demonstrate my skills and abilities. One of my most notable projects was a web-based finance tracker, which allowed users to create accounts, add stocks to a portfolio, and buy and sell stocks in real-time. This project required me to utilize a wide range of skills, including database design, server-side programming, and front-end development.
By completing this course, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to learning and a dedication to staying current with the latest trends and best practices in computer science. I am excited to continue building my skills and expertise in this field, and look forward to applying my knowledge to real-world projects and challenges.