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Automated Youtube Channel
Role / Services
Software Development
David Nwachukwu
Location & year
The United Kingdom ©
In this project, I created a Python program that web scrapes for short video content and turns it into long videos that are then automatically published to YouTube. I developed this project to demonstrate my versatile array of skills as a software engineer. In this post, I will go into technical detail about what I did and what I learned from it as well as the experiences and knowledge it gave me.
To start, I used several programming concepts when working on this project. The first and most important concept I used was web scraping. Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. In this project, I scraped videos from Instagram pages that I was following. To do this, I used the InstaLooter and Instaloader Python libraries. These libraries allowed me to scrape videos from Instagram pages and download them to my computer.
I also used the concept of automation in this project. Automation is the process of using software to perform tasks automatically, without human intervention. In this project, I automated the process of scraping videos from Instagram and publishing them to YouTube. I did this using a Python program that I wrote. The program scraped the videos, edited them together to make longer videos, and then published them to YouTube automatically.
The program I wrote to automate this process was called "". This program had several key features that made it work. First, it had the ability to log in to Instagram and access the pages I was following. It then scraped the videos from those pages and downloaded them to a folder on my computer. It also had the ability to edit the videos together to make longer videos, using a video editing library called OpenCV. Finally, it published the edited videos to YouTube using the YouTube Data API.
One of the challenges I faced when working on this project was getting the program to log in to Instagram and access the pages I was following. To do this, I had to use the Instaloader and InstaLooter libraries. These libraries allowed me to authenticate with Instagram and access the pages I was following. I also had to use the YouTube Data API to publish the videos to YouTube. This involved setting up an API key and configuring the program to use it.
Another challenge I faced was getting the program to edit the videos together to make longer videos. To do this, I used the OpenCV library. OpenCV is a powerful computer vision library that allows you to manipulate images and videos. I used it to edit the videos together and add transitions between them.
Overall, this project was a great learning experience for me. I learned a lot about web scraping, automation, and video editing. I also learned how to use several powerful Python libraries, including Instaloader, InstaLooter, OpenCV, and the YouTube Data API. This project also gave me a chance to demonstrate my skills as a software engineer and create something that I am proud of.